Rainbow Lorikeet

The Rainbow Lorikeet, Trichoglossus haematodus is a large lorikeet (32 to 35cm in length including a long tapering tail).
It has an orange/red beak, blue head, an orange/red and yellow chest, blue lower front body, green back and wings, red under the wings, and has a lime green colour band on the nape of its neck. Eyes are bright orange. It has a gentle voice but can make an ear piercing screech and can learn to speak (human language) and whistle.

1 May 2000
We have seven Rainbow Lorikeets. There is one breeding pair and two of their offspring (Cherry 10 months old and Bub 6 months old), plus three non related birds (Elvis, Girlfriend and Stranger). Two of these non related birds (Elvis and Girlfriend) are together and may eventually breed. There may also be a third pairing between Cherry and Stranger.

28 May 2000
Eight Rainbows now, with the addition of a male three year old Olive rainbow that came with three year old Scaly female, they are a bonded pair.

2 July 2000
The baby rainbow now 10 months old has paired with stranger, both have been dna sexed and are male and female. They have had to be separated from other birds are they have become more agressive now they are paired.

2 September 2000
The breeding pair of rainbows had two fertile eggs in early August with one baby hatching in the first week of September.

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This next set of images are from a baby rainbow lorikeet, born 1 September 2000.
A second fertile egg hatched 2 September but the chick died within 2 hours of hatching. It appears that the parents ignored the second chick and were only feeding the first. Included are images if the second chick just as it had almost exited from the egg.

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Last modified: 1 January 2002